World-Class Resources for Association Professionals in New York State!

Build your association and advance your career with the only organization tailored for association leaders in Upstate New York.

Comprehensive Educational and Networking Opportunities with your New York Colleagues

  • Annual Conference and Trade Show
  • Meetings, Membership & Marketing Institute
  • Regular Webinars on Key Association Management Issues
  • Topical In-person Seminars
  • CAE Approved Provider helps you earn or maintain your CAE credential.
  • Association Leadership Academy (ALA) teaches you skills to meet your association’s business challenges.
  • Career Center gives you opportunities to seek new positions and/or advertise openings in NYS associations.

Guide. Empower. Lead. With a New York accent!

The Empire State Society of Association Executives, Inc. (ESSAE), organized in 1979, is a group of professional association executives employed by trade, business and professional associations.

Patterned after the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), whose headquarters is in Washington, D.C., ESSAE is an allied member of the national organization. Many current ESSAE members are also members of ASAE.

ESSAE provides a method for the exchange of ideas among the professional staff of associations located in New York State. One of the initial aims for organizing ESSAE was to encourage high professional standards in the management of those associations. These ideals and aims are still being followed, and ESSAE now boasts 400 members.

ESSAE is affiliated with the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), whose headquarters is in Washington D.C.

Carrie Laney, Executive Director, [email protected].